Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Peeve with Steve

In the most recent issue of Entertainment Weekly (October 29, 2004), writer Stephen King lists some of his biggest pet peeves of 2004. I can honestly concur with many of King’s annoyances like Britney Spears, The Donald, and ads before theatrical movies. I find it quite enlightening that Mr. King and I are bothered by some of the same disturbances. There is something kinda neat about thinking like a well-known and successful author.

In his article Steve (I am sure he wouldn’t mind if I call him that) invites his readers to lighten their “psychic load” by speaking of their own annoyances. Feeling rather peeved and up to the challenge, I therefore issue my own list of Pet Peeves of 2004.
  • Lip Synching Of course I am jumping on the bandwagon and commenting on the incident involving Ashlee Simpson this past weekend on SNL, but give me a break. It is bad enough that she rides on her sister’s coat tails and gets a recording contract, that she gets her own boring show on MTV, that she just recently berated fellow singers for the act of lip synching, and finally that her Dad tried to excuse the incident by saying that she had acid reflux. If people are paying millions of dollars (whether it be in advertising or concert tickets) to watch an artist sing, they should do just that…sing. It’s not that difficult. If we wanted to listen to the track on the CD, we can save a lot of money by doing that at home. Uh oh, now I think I have acid reflux.
  • Television Copy Cats Say a television network is lucky enough to produce a hit, why is it within months there are at least 2 to 3 knock-offs of practically the same thing? Can you say originality? The reasons why shows like Desperate Housewives, Wife Swap, and The Apprentice are so popular is because someone, somewhere thought up a new idea and a way to make it work, thus the viewers watch it because it is a fresh idea and something not seen before. While some of the ideas may be a little inane, it works. There is already buzz about studios trying to duplicate the hits so far this season. Too bad we’ve come to rely on duplicating what is already bad and making it even worse.
  • The Christmas Rush in September There is now a fine and blurry line as to when the once sacred holiday of Christmas begins and when it ends. Call me old fashioned, but when I was a kid we never started preparing for a new holiday until the one preceding it ended. Stores have put up their decorated trees, Marketers have already begun pushing the date, and yes, I have already heard Christmas Carols. I enjoy the fun and frivolity of carving a pumpkin and seeing trick or treaters. I love sitting down with those I know and love and having a hearty meal and giving thanks. I have to admit that I feel like a cheating husband for acknowledging holidays other than Christmas. Let’s put Christmas back in the month in which it belongs. And don’t get me started on those people who leave their Christmas lights up year round…
  • Oprah Giving Stuff Away I do admire and have a great deal of respect for Oprah Winfrey, but lately it seems like her show has become The Price is Right. At least once a week hordes of women begin screaming boisterously as they are awarded handfuls of fabulous cash and prizes. Sure I am jealous, I would love to go to the Oprah show and I love free stuff. It was all good and fun during her annual “favorite things” show, but now the idea of getting a freebie on the show has become almost trite and expected. The kind and benevolent gestures for those who deserve it continue to encourage me, but isn’t the idea to watch the show and feel enlightened, not be inundated with product placements. p.s. Oprah-Give me a call if you ever get your hands on a lifetime supply of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream.
  • Waffling I have to admit that I am a true Libra and occasionally I take a little extra time in making a decision, or sometimes, I even change my mind after I have thought about something. While it is a little bothersome to those around me, I never thought it was a downright sin until George W. Bush began accusing John Kerry of it time after time after time. It is okay to change your mind, especially in this day and age where information is constantly being presented to you every time you turn around. It keeps the mind alert and healthy to process information and make sound decisions, and even to question those decisions. Now repeat after me…it’s okay to waffle, it’s okay to waffle…
  • Homophobia Welcome to the year 2004 and believe it or not we are in a day and age where there are many different ways to love one another. Men love women, women love men, and yes there are even men out there who love other men and women who love other women. SO DEAL WITH IT! Making fun of others, espousing closed-minded ideas, and even physically abusing one another will not make it go away. If being gay is not your thing, that’s okay.
  • Polls Reason #5,027 that I will be glad to see November 2 come and go.

So, Steve, thanks for the inspiration and giving me the opportunity to rant and rave with your blessings. If you,the reader, felt that I left something off that particularly irks you and that needs to be mentioned, please feel free to add it to the list.

Ahh, I feel much better now.